About us

Name of the Society

Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN)

Nature of the Network

National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations


 Civil society organizations are harmonized to influence national policies, strategies, programs and regulations to see a nation without hunger and malnutrition.

Principles of engagement of the SUN movement

•The ECSC-SUN abides by the principles of engagement of the SUN movement . The network is open to a wide range of civil society organizations working in nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific programming. The ECSC-SUN respects the principles of engagement of the SUN movement when dealing with coalition members.

Establishment of ECSC-SUN

The ECSC-SUN was established on June 2013 where 11 CSO representatives affirmed a commitment stating how they would support the aims of the national SUN Movement.

Purpose of the network

At the national level, the ECSC-SUN has been established to support the country’s effort to end malnutrition in all its forms and to sustainably coordinate and facilitate efficient communication across ECSC-SUN coalition members with the broader SUN Movement.

He has worked as a health and nutrition with 19 years of work experience. He holds a BSc degree in clinical nursing and a master’s degree in public health nutrition from Debre Markos University. His work experience in clinical practice, public health, and preservice education coordination in management and technical capacities across various sectors. His previous roles include engagements with international non-governmental organizations and local non-governmental organizations like Save the Children International on optimal and Infant child feeding project officer, the Amhara Development Association with the JSI-L10K Reproductive and Maternal Child Health project cluster coordinator, and the IWW/BLF Maternal and Neonatal Health
project cluster coordinator. Additionally, he has held pivotal roles in governmental institutions, serving as Head of Health Center, Health Extension Workers Supervisor, and preservice education team lead.
In his most recent position, He led the multisectoral and Seqota Declaration Coordination Desk at the National Nutrition Coordination Office within the Ministry of Health, Ethiopia. In this role, he oversaw the successful implementation of the Food and Nutrition Policy, Food and Nutrition Strategy, the Seqota Declaration Implementation Road Map, and the development of the Food and Nutrition Council Establishment along with other implementing guidelines in the nutrition coordination office.

has joined Save the children with the capacity of Senior Research, M&E and Knowledge Management Specialist. He is working for ECSC_SUN secretariate at SCI with full time arrangement. He holds BSc degree in Public Health from Jigjiga University and Masters of Public Health from AAU. He has worked with the total of 11 years in different public health and nutrition programs projects and national level initiatives. He played as Nutrition Research Officer and HIV/AIDS mainstreaming M&E expert for the last six years at Ministry of Agriculture( MoA). His role encompasses leading and facilitating the development of Ethiopia’s Nutrition Sensitive Agri-Food System Strategy, engagement in food and nutrition implementation, Ethiopian food systems transformation process and coordinated different food and nutrition trainings and workshops.. Earlier in his career, he gained invaluable field experience as Health Center Head , a frontline public health practitioner. His diverse kind of exposure both Health and Agriculture makes him best fit for the multi sectoral nutrition intervention approaches towards ending malnutrition.

 has joined Save the Children with the capacity of Sr. Communications Specialist. He is serving the secretariate at SCI as well as the SUN Multisectoral platform at the MoH. He is a journalist with 15 years of work experience in media and broadcasting sector. He was engaged in producing and hosting of a TV show focusing on awareness creation on various public Health issues. He is a founder and hosting lead of ‘’Tenawo Bebetewo’’. His passion is to see the healthy generation and to serve the public by placing himself as the middle of the audience and health professionals. He has also worked as a reporter, editor at different level at the national broadcasting agency ( ETV) . Wondwosen holds a BA Degree in Ethiopian Language and Literature (Culture and Communication) from AAU. Besides, he has got two Masters’ Degrees – in Documentary Linguistics and Culture as well as in Health Psychology from AAU. Furthermore, he attends short term training and workshops on health and nutrition programs, including Nutrition Leadership Training. He used to provide capacity building trainings on media and communication aspects for government and Civil Society organizations.

Wubit is an accomplished expert in gender and youth, with an excellent track record of achievement. Her role in providing strategic and technical advice and mainstreaming a gender and youth approach into key elements of program designing and implementation is indispensable.

She has over 20 years of progressive experience in government and International Non-Governmental Organizations. She has experience working with SIDA, UN OCHA, USAID, OFDA, BHA, MOFA, ECHO, GPE, and GAC/IHA projects, and familiar with their requirement. To mention some: Senior gender advisor at Save the Children; Gender and Youth Advisor FH Ethiopia; Gender and Social development advisor Agri Team Canada counselting PLC.;  Senior Gender technical expert, Agricultural Transformation Agency; Gender and Social Development Coordinator, Safety Net Support Facility (SNSF) Project; Gender, and Social Technical Advisor, SIDA Amhara Rural Development Program (SARDP); Gender, HIV and Hygiene Advisor, SWHISA, Amhara Region; Senior gender officer World Vision Ethiopia; senior gender expert Organization for rehabilitation and development in Amhara.

She has played role in planning, monitoring, evaluating, and utilizing data to determine program gaps, enact program change to meet beneficiary needs. Wubit led and conducted organizational and program level gender analysis, audit, impact assessment, and developed strategies.

By conducting organizational gender capacity assessment, she has designed training tailored to a specific sector and facilitated TOT training and webinars for project and partner organizations. Moreover, she has developed key training manuals and resources including gender and youth SBCC manuals and training materials, flipbooks, audio, and video spot messaging.

She has provided numerous trainings on gender, development social inclusion and related topics for partners and stakeholders. Wubit has got Master of Art in gender and development studies from Bahir Dar university and Bachelor of Arts in agricultural extension from Haromaya University. She has worked in different agroecological and multicultural set up all over the country. 

Nahusenay Alemayehu is an accomplished public health and nutrition professional with extensive experience across various organizations. As the Senior Program Manager for ECSC-SUN at Save the Children International in Addis Ababa, he provided leadership, managed projects, collaborated with teams, fostered partnerships, and oversaw program activities, budgets, and capacity-building initiatives. Previously, he was the Deputy Field Coordinator at Action Against Hunger in Gambella, where he supported base management, ensured departmental alignment with organizational procedures, handled safety and security issues, and managed program implementation and reporting. At UNICEF/FMOH in Addis Ababa, he served as the National Multi-sectoral Nutrition Coordinator, supporting multisectoral nutrition coordination, budget planning, fund management, and stakeholder engagement. In Gambella, as the Regional Multi-sectoral Nutrition Coordinator for UNICEF/RHB, he was involved in program scanning, planning, resource management, monitoring, and capacity building. Earlier roles included the Regional Nutrition Case Team Coordinator and Regional Emergency WASH Officer at the Gambella Regional Health Bureau, where he focused on planning, stakeholder relationships, training, health assessments, and WASH initiatives. He holds a Master of Public Health Nutrition from Addis Ababa Business and Medical College, another Master of Public Health in Health Education and Promotion from Jimma University, and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health from Hawassa University.