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- ECSC-SUN work
Ethiopia has made major strides towards addressing the food and nutrition challenges of the country. Between 2008 and 2020, the government of Ethiopia developed and implemented National Nutrition Strategy, National Nutrition Program I and II. The government has also successfully established nutrition coordination platforms, Nutrition Coordinating Body (NNCB) and the Nutrition Technical Committee (NNTC) in 2009 at federal, regional, and lower levels, and joined the Global Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in 2012.
ECSC-SUN has been closely working with the Government of Ethiopia, other SUN networks, and nutrition development partners since 2013 in the implementation of nutrition programming in the country. ECSC-SUN has initiated the development, finalization and endorsement of Food and Nutrition Policy in Ethiopia and the National Food and Nutrition Strategy (FNS). It has also supported the development of Food and Nutrition Council and Agency establishment proclamation.
The coalition led and supported the development of multi-sectoral accountability tool and scorecards to assess and review the National Nutrition Programme (NNP) implementation at all levels, and to strengthen accountability and financial commitments of key nutrition stakeholders. It has also supported the development of several sectoral food and nutrition related policies, strategies, programmes, initiatives, and guidelines.

Working together to end malnutrition
We Work To Realize The Vision Of A World Free From Malnutrition In All Its Forms, By 2030.The ECSC-SUN Strategy is a critical tool for mobilizing and coordinating the efforts of civil society to improve nutrition in Ethiopia. It is based on the principle that everyone has a role to play in ending malnutrition, and that civil society plays a vital role in holding governments and other stakeholders accountable for their commitments.
Advocacy with the government and other stakeholders for increased investment in nutrition and for the implementation of nutrition-sensitive policies and programs.
Capacity building
Capacity building for civil society organizations (CSOs) on nutrition advocacy and monitoring.
Support for CSOs
Support for CSOs to develop and implement nutrition-sensitive programs and projects.
Monitoring and tracking progress on nutrition outcomes and holding stakeholders accountable for their commitments.