Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) conducted its steering committee meeting.
The ECSC-SUN steering committee was established in December 2014 chaired by Save the Children Ethiopia and co-chaired by Concern Worldwide. By then, the coalition had identified thematic focus areas and assigned lead agencies. In the meantime, cascading national structure, regional ECSC-SUN chapter was organized, support platforms formed. Those support platform were assigned with the agencies engagement in either of the nutrition specific or sensitive sectors. For instance, Mums for Mums, local NGO, assigned to lead the Tigray regional ECSC-SUN platform and Concern Worldwide to lead the Amhara regional support platform while Care Ethiopia for Gender thematic focus. In the recent steering committee meeting regional and thematic leads presented their progress updates and future actions. According to the reports, coalition members agencies provided technical and financial support for the Food and Nutrition Strategy (FNS) implementation in their respective regions. In addition, they had conducted familiarization and sensitization workshops on FNS and the role of civil society organizations for the implementing partners. Most of the regional lead agencies developed and endorsed ToR, conducted gap assessment, mapped CSOs in their respective regions, selected stakeholders and steering committee members. Furthermore, coalition members provided capacity building to the regional FNS implementing partners, as to the report. Registering ECSC-SUN as legal entity is one of the future actions set in the meeting.
Read MoreEthiopian Scaling Up Nutrition Movement conducted Consultation Workshop.
The objective of the workshop is to validate the government of Ethiopia Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Paris 2025 Commitment among stakeholders. Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) is part of the consultation workshop held on January 15 – 16, 2025 at Hyatt Regency Hotel. Coalition members presented agendas of commitments. For instance, stunting (under five and under two) by Action Against Hunger (ACF) and CARE; exclusive breast-feeding by ECSC-SUN secretariat and anemia by Nutrition International (NI). After the presentation, interactive session held among participants. The discussion yields valuable feedback and new insight. #ECSC-SUN # N4G #SUN GLOBAL
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