Nutrition leadership training
The first “Nutrition leadership” training held in Southwest Ethiopia, Mizan town. The training enhanced the multisectoral nutrition leadership capabilities of the regional Food and Nutrition Coordination Office. The Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) and Alive and Thrive supported the initiative. #NutritionLeadership #ScalingUpNutrition #Ethiopia #Alive & Thrive #ECSC-SUN #Savethechildreninternational
Read MoreECSC-SUN conducted regional review meeting
Malnutrition has been significant challenge for Ethiopia. It has multifaced immediate, underlying, and basic causes and resulted morbidity and mortality among children. To get out of the strap of vicious cycle of malnutrition, well-organized, strongly integrated and multisectoral and multidimensional response become crucial. Coordination is vital to comprehensively address malnutrition problems in the country. Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) is established to support ending malnutrition activities. A part of this effort ECSC-SUN conducted Sidama, Central Ethiopia & South Ethiopia Regions Support Platform Bi-annual Review meeting. The meeting aimed to strengthen partnership of coalition members who engaged in livelihood/food/ nutrition security, WASH and Health related development and humanitarian endeavors operating in Sidama, Central Ethiopia and South Ethiopia Regions. These integration in turn create shared spaces for improved nutrition with aim to end malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. In his closing remark, Abebe Bimerew ECSC-SUN national lead, emphasized the importance of the regional ECSC-SUN platform, providing regular report updates, and discussing the next steps to achieve the set goals. #Togetherfornutrition
Read MoreECSC-SUN quality standards introduced
Satisfaction can be measured by the service quality one receives from an office. To enhance the satisfaction of nutrition actors and their respective customers, quality service delivery system is very important. Bringing the members of Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up nutrition (ECSC-SUN) secretariat and steering committee to the same level of understanding on quality benchmarks and accountability system, a three-day training was organized. 14 coalition members participated on the training that held at Adama, from 26-28 June 2024. The training topics were monitoring, evaluation, accountability and quality benchmarking. During the training workshop, ECSC-SUN quality standards introduced to participants. Moreover, ECSC-SUN quality benchmark activities have been reviewed and commented. According to the participants, the training was important and millstone for their future activities and life as well.
Read MoreECSC-SUN participated in CSO conference
Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) presented a paper at the Civil Society Organization (CSO) conference advocating for the integration of multi-sectoral nutrition approaches. On his presentation, Abebe Bimerew ECSC-SUN national lead, emphasized CSO profound impact on people’s lives. The paper provided substantial evidence and underscored the critical importance of addressing this issue. Three points were recommended: Strengthen multisectoral coordination and ownership vertical and horizontal linkage to ensure joint planning, budgeting, implementing, and monitoring at all levels. Finalize the establishment of food systems and nutrition council to ensure nutrition governance and accountability. It is known the existing multi-sectoral coordination and governance platforms have no legal framework. Strengthen resource mobilization for additional financing from government treasury budget, partners, donors, and private sector. # Together for nutrition
Read MoreECSC-SUN participated in CSO conference.
Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) presented a paper at the Civil Society Organization (CSO) conference advocating for the integration of multi-sectoral nutrition approaches. On his presentation, Abebe Bimerew ECSC-SUN national lead, emphasized CSO profound impact on people’s lives. The paper provided substantial evidence and underscored the critical importance of addressing this issue. Three points were recommended: Strengthen multisectoral coordination and ownership vertical and horizontal linkage to ensure joint planning, budgeting, implementing, and monitoring at all levels. Finalize the establishment of food systems and nutrition council to ensure nutrition governance and accountability. It is known the existing multi-sectoral coordination and governance platforms have no legal framework. Strengthen resource mobilization for additional financing from government treasury budget, partners, donors, and private sector. # Together for nutrition
Read MoreEthiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling-Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) held its coalition’s steering committee meeting.
On his welcoming speech Mr. Abebe Bimerew, ECSC-SUN national lead, highlighted that staffing of ECSC-SUN secretariat team and strengthening the steering committee was the coalitions priority agenda and it was so far achieved. Mr. Austin Kennan, Concern Worldwide country director, opened the meeting. In his opening remark, he noted that malnutrition continued as Ethiopia’s economic and health challenge. He emphasized the need for a multisectoral collaboration to avert this problem. Progress updates, challenges and priority issues presented by each coalition member organizations. Concern worldwide, care Ethiopia, Discussion was held on the upcoming ECSC-SUN general assembly and preparatory works. Action points were raised, and responsible organizations assigned to legalize the accomplish the activities. Legalizing the coalition was one of the issues discussed. ECSC-SUN is hosted by Save the Children. As a host organization, Save the Children made a closing remark. Ms. Dragana Strinic, Save the Children Country director, recalled that ECSC-SUN has been the best platform for advocating and supporting the government of Ethiopia to achieve its nutrition goals. She also called upon mutual accountability and harmonized efforts to end malnutrition in all its forms.
Read MoreDissemination workshop held
A baseline assessment was conducted to assess the status of women empowerment and food insecurity in three regions: Tigray, Afar and Somali. 430 households participated in the assessment. To discuss on the findings of the assessment, a dissemination workshop held at Bishoftu, March 14, 2024. The research finding shows that, nearly 62 % of households are moderate food insecure in study regions. Financial self-sufficiency, decision making ability were among the criteria to assess women empowerment status. Workshop participants from different stakeholders raised important points regarding the assessment and provided feedback on the recommendation. Aligned to the finding and recommendation of the assessment, Gender and nutrition sensitive business model proposed by ECSC-SUN to address food insecurity for pilot woredas.
Read MoreOpening Speech – Mrs. Hiwot Darsene, Lead Executive Officer- Nutrition Coordination Office
Scaling Up Nutrition – Ethiopia 2023 Joint Annual Assessment Reporting (SUN Multi-Stakeholders Platform (MSP) Workshop Dear Leads and members of SUN Scaling up Nutrition Networks Good morning One of the key pillar in operationalization of the Ethiopian food and nutrition policy; Ethiopian food system transformation and Seqota Declaration is strengthening the global, regional and national partnership between the government, donors, partners, private sectors, academia and other stakeholders. This partnership will be effective if we realized functional and workable platform that will support the programmatic and advocacy priorities that will address the challenges these programs are facing; financial, technical, skill, evidence, etc to mention some. As we all know, Ethiopia Joined SUN Global Movement in September 2010. Since then, the Multi Stakeholder Platform (MSP) is providing technical assistance and financial resource mobilization to NNP I and II and now for food system and nutrition coordination and Seqota Declaration implementation. In addition, it has achieved a number of milestones through strengthening the food and nutrition plans at national and subnational levels. Last year we have identified a number of programmatic and advocacy priorities and their joint assessment will be an opportunity to reflect on our progress through active engagement of all scaling up nutrition actors, and making course corrective priority actions for the challenges and bottlenecks that our program faces. Today’s workshop will enable us to jointly reflect on our progress, celebrate achievements and plan for 2024. In this regard, I will like to thank the SUN networks who finalized and submitted their JAA in a timely manner. We hope other networks will share their network specific progress in our workshop today. We are cognizant of the time and effort it will take to prepare these reports. In this regard, I want to thank all the SUN networks for your contribution and Network Leaders for your leadership and making your network specific report ready for the workshop. Based on our past experiences effective, participatory and inclusive review and documentation during the JAA could help to realize our progresses; discuss how to maximize and deliver on nutrition commitments; agree on priority actions for the next year; communicate our progresses and challenges with the regional and global SUN Movement platforms. In the year 2023 the program and advocacy priorities were instrumental for driving the FNS, SD and FST priorities. We also expect this workshop will also help us to identify priorities to be more problem solving oriented, actionable, achievable and could accelerate the attainment of our goals. In this regard I call upon all the six networks to give due attention to this important process. Once we completed this process we will present this to the high-level endorsement ahead of its final submission date March 1-2024. Finally, I look forward your active participation and the effort you are making to realize our ambitious goal ENDING ALL FORMS OF MALNUTRTION IN ETHIOPIA. Thank You and the workshop is opened.
Read MoreJoint Annual assessment workshop held
It helps to “accelerate the attainment of our goals.” Mrs. Hiwot Darsene The 2023 Joint Annual Assessment (JAA) workshop held on Jan 30, 2024, at Jupiter Hotel, Addis Ababa. The workshop aimed at assessing the progress and challenges of nutrition actors in Ethiopia entitled Scaling Up Nutrition -Ethiopia Multi Stakeholders Platform (MSP). Mrs. Hiwot Darsene, Lead Executive Officer for the Nutrition Coordination Office at the Federal Ministry of Health, delivered a welcoming speech. In her opening speech she addressed the importance of collaboration of nutrition actors. She added her expectation of the outcome of the workshop “ to identify priorities to be more problem solving oriented, actionable, achievable and could accelerate the attainment of our goals.” The joint annual assessment workshop has four purposes according to Dr. Sisay Sinamo, Senior Program Manager, Federal Program Delivery Unit of Seqota Declaration and Government SUN Focal Point. Participatory and inclusive gathering, celebrate success and identify bottleneck, agree on priorities to plan as well as share best practice are the main purpose of the annual joint assessment, as to Dr. Sisay. Members of SUN Network present their achievements of 2023 and challenges by their respective leads. Advocacy and program priorities were identified and discussed by participants. It is recalled that, SUN movement has 6 networks in Ethiopia and committed to end malnutrition in all its forms.
Read MoreScaling Up Nutrition -Ethiopia Multi Stakeholders Platform (MSP)workshop
2023 joint annual assessment has been taking place.The workshop help us “…to identify priorities to be more problem solving oriented ,actionable , achievable and could accelerate the attainment of our goal.” Mrs. Hiwot Darese.
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