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ECSC-SUN secretariat conducted visit to Afar

The aim of the visit is to observe the Ethiopian Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) Women Economic Empowerment and Adolescence Initiative (WEE & AI) intervention progress. The visiting team oversees the impact of knowledge gained through training and outcome of the distributed resources as well as practical actions taken by target beneficiaries with an emphasis on the added value to household nutrition.

As WEE & AI intervention, target beneficiaries living in #Afar #Asayita, have been provided skill training, 40 milking goats for 20 women, vegetable seeds (onion, tomato, pepper, and cabbage) for 10 households per their preference.

In addition, agricultural hand tools (Hoe, shovel, watering can, fork,) and fruit seedlings (500 Mango, 400 Orange) have been provided to Hameltole Primary schools.

Now, target beneficiaries are producing milk from the goat and feed their children.  The school gardening activity is in good progress.  For instance, in Hameltole school the seedling is ready to transplant to the gardening area.

Adolescents in school club presented drama to the visitors. Their edutainment technique was powerful to address nutritional messages like child feeding practice, food restriction norm, hand hygiene and gender equality.

The community was not familiar with consuming some food items. Through training, knowledge sharing and social and behavior change intervention, now beneficiary groups started to eat egg in a roosted form.

ECSC-SUN and implementing partner #Amref Health Africa, Gender Equality Project at #Save the children Semera field office and government sectors like #agriculture, #health and #women affair worked closely to bring these positive changes. The visiting team appreciated the progress and joint efforts !

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