The 6th Ethiopia Nutrition Leaders Network (ENLN) annual forum conducted with the theme “Nutrition Leadership Towards Resilience and Climate Change Actions for Nutrition in Ethiopia” on Nov. 23, 2024.
Hiwot Darsene, Lead Executive Officer, Nutrition Coordination Office and Member of the ENLN made the opening speech with her representative, Yonatan. The government of Ethiopia is implementing the food and nutrition strategy to improve the resilience of vulnerable pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years of age. In her speech, she emphasized on malnutrition – infection cycle. Climate induced undernutrition leads to increase in disease related childhood mortality and morbidity.
According to, Ms Dragana Strinic, Country Director at Save the Children Ethiopia Country Office and Chair of Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN), children have been impacted by the climate crisis which threatens their health, nutrition, education, development, survival and future. In her keynote remark, she highlighted that impactful leadership is pivotal in reducing such climate-induced food system and nutrition challenges.
The founder and chair of ENLN, Israel Hailu, reaffirms nutrition leaders’ commitment, and the network works closely with all food system and nutrition actors to make Ethiopia free from hunger and malnutrition. She also calls up on all nutrition leaders to further commit and provide the required voluntary support to the country’s effort until we achieve unfinished nutrition agenda in Ethiopia.
It is recalled that Hidar 14 (November 23) is the date that Ethiopian Government endorsed the first ever Food and Nutrition Policy. To commemorate this day and make it a national Nutrition Security Day nutrition leaders make their annual forum. Representatives from food and nutrition implementing sectors, research institutions, donors and nutrition communities attended the event physically as well as virtually.
The event includes speeches, presentations, networking and panel discussion,
ECSC-SUN provided technical and financial support to make this colorful event happen.