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Oromia region ECSC-SUN support plat form launched

Oromia region ECSC-SUN support plat form launching wor kshop held with the presence of higher officials.
Ethiopia Civil Society Coalition for Scaling Up Nutrition (ECSC-SUN) is striving to improve nutrition status of the country. As a coalition it has supported the country’s initiative to end malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. ECSC-SUN has established support platforms in different regions including Oromia region.
Her excellency Professor Netsanet Workeneh, Oromia regional health bureau head, made opening remark on the Oromia support platform launching workshop. On her speech she emphasized the impact of malnutrition on children health and growth in the region. She underscored that the regional government is committed to avert the problem working in collaboration with Civil Society Organizations.
Collaborative efforts can make difference in maternal and child nutrition according to Mr. Abebe, ECSC-SUN National lead. He explained that the civil society organization’s role is undeniable in capacity building and other aspects of food and nutrition strategy implementation.
Action against hunger, ECSC-SUN regional platform leading in Oromia, is facilitated workshop in collaboration with regional food system and nutrition coordination office. Action against hunger continues as the chair of the steering committee and Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekanyesus Development and Social Services Commission is selected as co- chair for steering committee in the regional platform.

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